The Creator

At a young age, I had to comprehend losing those in my life, both alive and those who have passed away. For many of my Elementary years, I struggled with processing my emotions and how to deal with them.

Lucky for me, when I lost those around me, I gained double the support. My village is filled with family, friends, teachers, coaches, and so many others. 

With their help, I was able to turn my anger into passion!

August 2021, I took my first Careers class. Immediately, I enjoyed the concept of creating projects that served purpose. As time went on, I realized that my journey could help someone else. 

As a black, male, teenager, I noticed how so many of my peers used anger as an outlet, when really, the emotions we feel are so much deeper than that. I knew that I could help them by showing them with Strength, we can all make it through!

There are times when people look at my village and wonder why they cheer so loudly, but it's because, like so many others, I had to overcome a struggle. 

Struggle Wrapped in Strength is what you will see, every time you look at me!


-Maj (The Creator)